Quaaludes Addiction

Quaaludes Addiction Philadelphia PA (877) 804-1531


Quaaludes Addiction: Everything You Need to Know

Quaaludes is the brand name for Methaqualone, a powerful synthetic barbiturate-like, central nervous system depressant. Known as an anxiolytic and a sedative-hypnotic drug, it was originally introduced as a generally safe barbiturate substitute, but later showed a strong potential for addiction and withdrawal symptoms from it were very similar to those caused by barbiturates. Quaaludes that are sold for "recreational" use (often abused) are synthesized in illegal laboratories. These illegally produced Quaaludes can contain other central nervous system depressants such as benzodiazepines. Methaqualone is most often taken orally in a tablet form and produces a range of effects including sedation, euphoria and sleep at lower doses to unconsciousness and sometimes seizures at high doses. Users taking the drug for recreational purpose to achieve these effects can develop Quaaludes addiction if using for prolonged periods of time.

Common Street Name

Quaaludes became a very popular drug between the 60's and 70's - known in the party circle as "Disco Biscuits" - today, other common street names are:

  • Bandits
  • Beiruts
  • Blou Bulle
  • Ewings
  • Flamingos
  • Flowers
  • Genuines
  • Lemmon 714
  • Lemons
  • Lennons
  • Lovers
  • Ludes
  • Mandies
  • Qua
  • Quack,
  • Quad
  • Randy Mandies
  • 714
  • Soaper
  • Sopes
  • Sporos
  • Vitamin Q
  • Wagon Wheels

Drug Classification

The hype of Qualuudes abuse that hit the 60's and 70's and the fast appearance of addiction cases, caused Congress to ban domestic production and usage of the drug and its sales as a prescription, having President Ronald Reagan signed the legislation into law in 1984.

The Controlled Substance Act (CSA) released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and executed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulates the manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution of certain narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids and other chemicals. The schedules organize drugs into groups based on their risk of abuse or harm.

Because of the strength of its composition, the illegality of production in underground laboratories, and the abuse and addiction potential, Quaaludes (Methaqualone) has been classified under the Schedule I of Controlled Substances; this means that the drug has been found to have an extremely high potential for abuse, that is not accepted for medical treatment and there is a lack of accepted safety for its use.

Drug History and Use

Quaaludes were first synthesized in India in 1950's. It was introduced into America in the 1960's and it rapidly became a popular recreational drug.

The abuse potential of Quaaludes soon became apparent and in 1973 Methaqualone was placed in Schedule II, making it difficult to prescribe and illegal to possess without a prescription. Later, because of President Regan's action in 1984, it was moved to Federal Schedule I, so Quaaludes are no longer legally available in the United States.

Methaqualone was a popular drug of abuse during much of the 1970s and even beginning of the 80's, notwithstanding, both the United States and Britain tightened control of their use and dispensing. "Luding out" where Quaaludes were taken with wine, became a popular college pastime leading to heavy dependance and addiction.

Quaaludes is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is distributed in the body fat, liver, and brain tissue through plasma. Low doses (75-300 mg) of methaqualone taken orally tend to produce light sedation and sleepiness. Higher doses (300 mg+) can produce a more pronounced sedation and euphoria.

Side Effects

As it's widely known with all barbiturates, this synthetic barbiturate-like drug has similar side effects that range from mild sedation and sleepiness (in low dosage) to extreme mental confusion in paranoia when abused. The most common Quaaludes side effects are:

  • Somnolence
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Weakness
  • Panic
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Ataxia (loss of muscle control)
  • Seizures
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Delirium

Furthermore, Quaaludes should never be using during pregnancy as the effects on human fetal development are not clear, and should not be taken with alcohol or with other central nervous system depressants since it increases the depressant effects and depending on the doses taken it can be fatal.

Addiction & Dependency

Quaaludes were first introduced in the United States by pharmaceutical companies in the 1960's, marketed as a non-addictive sleeping pill. Because of the addictive nature of the drug, Quaaludes became increasingly popular for recreational uses in the late 1960's and early 1970's.

Quaaludes abuse happened quickly and almost everywhere in the U.S., causing adverse symptoms in the men and women who developed an addiction to it, such as severe depression and anxiety.

Quaaludes are usually mixed with low-grade marijuana, and this combination is one of the preferred hard drugs of lower-income individuals. Initially marketed as a "non-addictive" sleeping pill, many individuals may have turned to the drug to escape physical or emotional pain. In these instances, the cause of the Quaaludes addiction is a result of a deeper underlying issue.

When it was used legally, it was found that Quaaludes users were affected negatively or dying more because of the accidents they were in, due to poor decisions made while under its influence. Some of the most notorious symptoms of Quaaludes addiction are:

  • Excessive Sweating
  • Allured speech
  • Memory Loss
  • Hives
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Respiratory Depression
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Numbness of Fingers & Toes
  • Seizures
  • Psychosis
  • Death (in case of overdose)

Individuals who suffer form Quaaludes addiction may feel as though they can continue to live their lives with the problem. The truth is that a Quaaludes addiction can result in physical and psychological destruction, and in many cases can be fatal.

Treatment for Addiction

The first step towards overcoming an addiction to Quaaludes is to recognize the problem at hand.

Methaqualone addiction treatment is necessary to overcome the dependency and abuse. The first step in this addiction treatment is detoxification. Medically supervised Methaqualone detox can help to reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms or eliminate some of them.

Medically supervised Qualuudes detox also helps to increase the chances of safe and successful recovery from addiction. The length of time necessary for complete detoxification varies depending on the duration of use and the individual patient, but withdrawal symptoms typically begin about 12 to 24 hours after the last dose of Methaqualone, and tend to peak within 24 to 72 hours of the last dose.

This period is when the most intense symptoms can occur and is the most crucial to the patient's successful recovery. It is vital to both the patient's physical and psychological well-being, and to a successful recovery, that this detox process be carried out in an inpatient setting, where patients can be monitored around the clock by qualified medical personnel.








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