Dual Diagnosis in Philadelphia, PA

Mental health disorders are often found in substance abusers. Drug use or alcohol abuse that presents itself with other mental health issues are described as a dual diagnosis in Philadelphia. A dual diagnosis requires simultaneous treatment for both conditions. Treatment centers in Philadelphia understand that this is a serious time in ones life and they are ready to help you find the rehab center that suits your needs.

There are commonalities for dual diagnosis in Philadelphia. One common pairing is ADHD and meth abuse. Since meth works on the central nervous system as a stimulant and stimulants alleviate hyperactivity symptoms, people who abuse meth frequently also have attention deficit issues. Another common combination is depressive disorder and abuse of stimulants. If you or someone you love suffers from addiction and a mood disorder, call the specialists at drug treatment centers Philadelphia at (877) 804-1531 to find rehab centers near you.

Addictions and Mental Health Disorders

A substance abuser could have developed a mental health disorder and then started to use illicit substances to alleviate symptoms of the disorder. Conversely, mental health issues could be created by using illicit substances. In any case, all conditions must be diagnosed and treated appropriately.

Eating Disorders and Addiction

Eating food stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. Substances like alcohol and drugs do the same thing. The brain releases chemicals producing euphoria. Negative emotions are blocked. When the body craves pleasure-giving substances, the person reacts by consuming the craved substances to satisfy these urges. This begins the cycle of addiction and if the behavior continues, full addiction will set in.


Depressed people may look for relief with alcohol and illicit drugs. These illicit substances help lift them out of depression for the short-term. Suppression of negative thoughts and feelings is another motivation. As substances wear off, the user must take them again to alleviate depression, As this cycle repeats, addiction is present.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

People with OCD have a difficult time controlling compulsive thoughts and obsessive actions. Self-medicating using alcohol and drugs repress those symptoms. As the person experiences life without compulsions and obsessions, an addiction upon those substances may easily develop.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD sufferers had traumatic experiences impacting them seriously both emotionally and mentally. They relive these events both asleep or awake. These involuntary and traumatizing flashbacks create further trauma upon the individual. PTSD sufferers may turn to alcohol or drugs in the hopes that they can escape these flashbacks and stop the suffering.

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders may make normal situations such as work, school or other activities unbearable to deal with. Anxiety sufferers wish to function without the negative emotions anxiety produces. They may then use substances for relief. Alcohol, which lowers inhibitions, is a common choice for anxiety sufferers.

Statistics for Dual Diagnosis in Philadelphia

According to a report titled "Pennsylvania 2013 Mental Health National Outcome Measures (NOMS): CMHS Uniform Reporting System", adults with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders totaled at about 235,000 people in state hospital mental health admissions in 2013.


Psychopharmacology therapy uses prescription medications to treat any remaining symptoms after detox is complete. This is also a relapse prevention method.

Psychotherapy is a set of therapeutic approaches treating mental health disorders in an individual. A comprehensive plan to treat substance abuse issues and mental health disorders is needed as successful recovery is dependent on this.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapy which addresses specific negative behaviors that appear repeatedly. the negative consequences of the behaviors are analyzed, adapting skills are learned to reduce negative behaviors, replacing them with positive behaviors.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment & Aftercare Services

Call (877) 804-1531 now to talk with a specialist who can assist you in finding a treatment center. At a treatment center, comprehensive, personalized treatment plans are developed for each individual's needs. Relapse prevention plans for continued success are also developed. Dual diagnosis professionals and successful treatments are available.

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